Take Time To Be Still and you will Thrive

Hello, my name is Jill and welcome to my website.

You have just taken the very first step to Self Care and looking after yourself.

A little bit about me

I worked for many years in a Public Sector organisation. My role afforded me the opportunity to work with other Public Sector organisations and do a lot of joint working with staff, service users and carers dealing with mental health and drug and alcohol problems. I saw first-hand how stresses and strains of life can take their toll on people no matter what their background.

When approaching the end of my career, I really wanted to continue connecting with people and make an impact helping people cope with the pressures of today. Taking a Level 5 Reflexology Mastership and a Level 3 Diploma in Indian Head Massage, with Gaia School of Natural Health definitely gave me the tools to do that and I really hope to use my knowledge to introduce people to the fantastic benefits of holistic therapies.

Gaia School of Natural Health Logo

Over the last few years with the pandemic, there has been an explosion in anxiety related mental ill health and sadly this has impacted access to services such as wellbeing therapies. I sincerely believe that my training will be put to good use. I look forward to welcoming you to my, serene and cosy treatment room in Rhyl, North Wales, where I am proud to be able to offer you a range of holistic therapies to help you along the way bringing your life into balance!

I can also offer workshops to family members of people suffering with chronic anxiety, autistic spectrum conditions and cognitive illnesses and disorders, such as dementia, depression and special needs. The techniques I can pass on are known as the Functional Reflex Rainbow Therapy Techniques, as devised and created by Lorraine Senior, B Ed (Hons.) MAR. Please enquiry for further information.

I am fully insured for all treatments (Alan Boswell Insurance). I love giving treatments and it is my intention to continue to update my techniques striving to develop further knowledge ensuring the very best, up to date treatments are available for my clients.


I am a member of the Association of Reflexologists (AOR) and Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), first aid trained and DBS cleared.

Association of Reflexologists Logo
Association of Reflexologists Covid Policy Logo
Federation of Holistic Therapists Logo

Qualifications and CPD Certificates

  • CRM L5 Diploma in Reflexology - Carolyn Roberts Gaia School of Natural Health Wirral Cheshire
  • Certificate in Spinal Reflexology - Louise Keet - London School of Reflexology CPD
  • Reflexology Lymph Drainage - Sally Kay technique CPD
  • Functional Reflex 'Rainbow' Technique Therapy - Lorraine Senior CPD
  • Diploma 3 in Indian Head Massage - Debbie Hurst Gaia School of Natural Health Wirral
  • Acupressure Point Facial - Heidi Armstrong -Complementary therapy College Bath CPD
  • Foot Reading. Jane Sheehan CPD
  • Ear Candling and Holistic Massage - Helen Williams Distinction Training North Wales.


What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a natural therapy founded on the belief that your feet and hands are a reflection of the systems in your body - where specific areas correspond to organs, glands and structure. By applying gentle pressure to areas of the feet or hands a Reflexologist can help the body restore its own healthy balance. Evidence has been found for some form foot and hand therapy being practised in China and Egypt more than four thousand years ago.

How can Reflexology help?

Reflexology aims to treat the individual as a whole, creating a state of harmony in both body and mind. It has the benefit of also being a deeply relaxing therapy, and during periods of relaxation the body takes the opportunity to heal, restore and energise itself. Relaxing helps relieve tension and aids circulation, increasing the flow of nutrients, oxygen and energy to all parts of the body, and helping with the removal of toxins.

Holistic therapies do not replace conventional medicine

While it is not a cure, Reflexology can be particularly helpful in managing many health conditions, especially constant or recurring ones that we might have come to accept over time as being a normal part of life.

I offer the following treatments

Reflexology is a foot, hand or even face treatment. Reflexes in the feet, hands and face correspond to areas of the body. Over time, imbalances can build up and a reflexology treatment is believed to tackle those imbalances bringing wellness and wellbeing to the client's overall health. Reflexology can also be given to children and adolescents.

Functional Reflex 'Rainbow' Therapy Workshops

The Rainbow Techniques are very simple moves of the hand and foot, which can be carried out by family members on other family members, who may have special needs, such as being on the autistic spectrum or diagnosed with dementia or cognitive impairment, or indeed themselves as a way of Self Care. The moves can also be used to calm people with chronic anxiety. The basic moves can be taught in a workshop of two people in their own homes or in my lovely treatment room. The techniques calm the client/patient, helping bring focus and a feeling of well being. There are also some simple techniques which can be applied to yourself when dealing with stressful situations. These techniques are taught in workshops. Please enquire for workshop times, fees and further information.

Clinical Reflexology

This reflexology works on all systems of the body bringing the body back into balance. This is particularly good for stress, headaches and insomnia. May also benefit sufferers of arthritis, fibromyalgia, skin conditions such as psoriasis and shingles (this list is not exhaustive). Because each system is responsible for wellness of individual parts of the body, ( although work in conjunction with each other for overall health), clinical reflexology focuses on the systems which appear out of balance, so excellent for people on the 'fertility journey', whether a female is suffering from extreme menstrual pains, or struggling to conceive due a physical condition such as endometriosis, or experiencing symptoms of the menopause, or post menopause. Men's Health is also as important and men too may enjoy and benefit from reflexology treatments.

Reflexology Lymph Drainage

The technique used during these treatments can help lymphedemas following surgery, or lymphedemas caused by chronic conditions such as arthritis. A particularly focused reflexology which can bring some great results reducing the swelling and giving quality of life back to the Client.

Reflexology for Palliative Care patients

A shorter and gentle reflexology which can relax and help the Client sleep better. Doctors' opinion should be sort before any treatment consultation.

Spinal Reflexology

This method of reflexology works on nerve pathways running between vertebra to organs or areas of the body where there is pain or inflammation or dis-ease or discomfort such as Irritable Bowel conditions or Crohn's disease. The techniques used are stronger than the generic clinical reflexology. People suffering from Long Covid may benefit from this form of reflexology.

Indian Head Massage and Acupressure Massage

This is a relaxing treatment which can be carried out to accommodate the busy lifestyles of today. Treatments can last between 15 and 60 minutes and are believed to have physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. Acupressure facials work on the acupressure points of the head and face and help bring about relaxation, focus and feelings of well being.

Prior to the above treatments taking place, you may (for a small additional cost) enjoy a Yoga Nidra meditation which will bring you into a meditative state ready for your treatment. Please add a further 20 minutes if Nidra is your preference.

Ear Candling

A relaxing 30-minute treatment which can extract impurities or wax from the ear. A cylindrical candle is placed in the ear and lit. The candle acts like a chimney to draw the impurities out.

Foot Reading

Can you read a persons personality from their foot? Sure you can! Clarrissa's Tree Holistics now offering Foot Reading reports . Please enquire of more details!

Consultation & treatment length

A full consultation will take place prior to any treatment. Doctors/Specialist opinion may be required for certain conditions.

A full reflexology treatment can last between 45 and 60 minutes and is bespoke to the client. Specific cases with lymphedema or requiring spinal reflexology may be a stand alone treatment lasting 60 minutes or can be added onto the treatment.

Fees & availability

  • 60 Minute Bespoke Reflexology - £35
  • 25 Minute Reflexology Palliative Care - £20
  • Taster session - £20
  • Function Reflex Rainbow Therapy Workshops - Please enquiry for more details
  • Indian Head Massage - Prices from £15.00 - Full Indian Head Massage £30.00
  • Acupressure Point Facial £40.00
  • Foot Reading. Please make an enquiry for current offers!
  • Ear Candling - £20

Please note: clients wearing hearing aids or with ear conditions are advised against having an Ear Candling treatment.

Corporate packages are available and office and home visits are possible. Please enquire for further information. Children and Young Person may benefit from treatments leading up to exams etc. A parent or Guardian must be present.

Get in touch

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my treatments or their benefits. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of having a complementary therapy, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07769263935 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

I work from my serene and cosy treatment room located in Rhyl, North Wales. I also offer a number of mobile treatments.

©Jillian Williams

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